Solicitor General, Mr Frank Poon (second right), with his deputies (from left): Deputy Solicitor General (General), Mr Peter Wong; Deputy Solicitor General (Constitutional), Ms Roxana Cheng; and Secretary of the Law Reform Commission, Ms Michelle Ainsworth
Law Draftsman, Mr Paul Wan (centre), with Deputy Law Draftsman (Legislation), Ms Fanny Ip (left); and Deputy Law Draftsman (Bilingual Drafting & Administration), Mr Gilbert Mo (right)

The Legal Policy Division comprises three sections: the Legal Policy (General) Section, the Legal Policy (Constitutional) Section and the Law Reform Commission Secretariat. The Division provides legal advice and support on matters of constitutional and legal importance and has policy purview over subject matters relating to the legal system, legal and arbitration services as well as the legal profession. The Law Reform Commission Secretariat serves the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong which is an independent body chaired by the Secretary for Justice.