The Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Keith Yeung, SC (centre), with Deputy Directors of Public Prosecutions (from left): Mr Wesley Wong, SC; Mr William Tam, SC; Dr Alain Sham; and Mr David Leung, SC
The Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Keith Yeung, SC (centre), with Deputy Directors of Public Prosecutions (from left): Mr Wesley Wong, SC; Mr William Tam, SC; Dr Alain Sham; and Mr David Leung, SC

Article 63 of the Basic Law of the HKSAR stipulates that the Department of Justice “shall control criminal prosecutions, free from any interference”. Within the Department, the Prosecutions Division is responsible for handling all matters concerning criminal prosecutions. In short, it is responsible for prosecuting trials and appeals at all levels of the criminal court, as well as assisting coroners with death inquests, providing legal advice to law enforcement agencies on their investigation and exercising on behalf of the Secretary for Justice the discretion whether or not to institute criminal proceedings. In addition, counsel in the Division, known as Public Prosecutors, provide advice and assistance to government bureaux and departments in relation to all aspects of the criminal law as well as existing and proposed legislation.