Main and East Wings, Justice Place, 18 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong
Enquiries : 3702 4100
Fax : 3902 8638
Print Chart

Organisation chart of Department of Justice. Secretary for Justice - Mr Paul Lam, SBS, SC, JP (3918 4111). Deputy Secretary for Justice - Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, SBS, JP (3893 3428). Civil Division, Law Officer (Civil Law) - Ms Christina Cheung, JP (3918 4333). International Law Division, Law Officer(International Law)- Dr James Ding, JP (3918 4777). Law Drafting Division, Law Draftsman - Mr Michael Lam (3918 4647). Constitutional and Policy Affairs Division, Solicitor General (Ag) - Mr Llewellyn Mui, JP (3918 4007). National Security Prosecutions Division . Prosecutions Division, Director of Public Prosecutions - Ms Maggie Yang, JP (3902 8001). Administration and Development Division, Director of Adminstration & Development - Ms Jessie Wong, JP (3918 4222).

The Divisions

The lawyers (often referred to as Government Counsel) in the Department work in one of six legal divisions, namely Civil, Constitutional and Policy Affairs, International Law, Law Drafting, National Security Prosecutions and Prosecutions. The legal divisions are provided with general support by the Administration and Development Division, which is headed by the Director of Administration and Development.

Each of the legal divisions is headed by a Law Officer who, as well as directing the work of their respective divisions, assists the Secretary for Justice in the overall management of the Department. The Law Officers are the Law Officer (Civil Law), the Solicitor General, the Law Officer (International Law), the Law Draftsman, the Law Officer (National Security) and the Director of Public Prosecutions.

While each of the legal divisions has distinct areas of responsibility, many matters or cases handled by the Department require input from more than one division or specialist unit within a division. In such cases, lawyers from each of the relevant units or divisions will work closely together to ensure that the relevant government department or bureau is provided with comprehensive assistance.