Date Subject Download
14 Dec 1999 Administration's Information note for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Creation of a Permanent Deputy Principal Government Counsel Post for Basic Law Unit, Legal Policy Division" Download
03 Dec 1999 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Re-organisation of Municipal Services" Download
30 Nov 1999 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Review of legal education" (English only) Download
20 Nov 1999 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on the present position regarding Messrs Lui Kwan-chung and Chan Fung who were removed to the Mainland on 21 July 1999 Download
Nov 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on the proposed retention of a Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) post in Legal Policy Division of Department of Justice Download
Nov 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Policy and Practice on Removal of Illegal Immigrants" Download
19 Oct 1999 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "1999 Policy Address" Download
Oct 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Review of Legal Education" Download
Oct 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance exercise in Government, Government-funded and Government-related organizations" -
09 Sep 1999 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Progress of Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance exercise in Government, Government-funded and Government-related organizations" Download
May 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Proposed Abolition of the Corroboration Rules in Sexual Offence cases and The giving of evidence by witnesses outside Hong Kong by live-television link" Download
May 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Proposed amendments to the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159) – Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Bill 1999" Download
May 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 1999" Download
Apr 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Legal Education" Download
Apr 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Y2K Compliance Position of the Department of Justice" Download
Apr 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "A Defence of 'Public Interest'" Download
Feb 1999 Administration's paper for the Establishment Subcommittee of the Legislative Council Finance Committee on the proposed creation of one permanent post of Principal Government Counsel (DL3) in the Prosecutions Division of the Department of Justice to head a new Sub-division to deal with the Court of Final Appeal and related cases Download
Jan 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Proposed Amendments to the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance to implement the Law Reform Commission Report on Extrinsic Materials as an aid to Statutory Interpretation" Download
Jan 1999 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on the proposed creation of one permanent Principal Government Counsel post in the Prosecutions Division of the Department of Justice Download
07 Jan 1999 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Criminal Cases in the Court of Final Appeal" Download