Date Subject Download
Dec 2000 Administration's information note for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on advice given to the Security Bureau concerning enactment of legislation for Article 23 of the Basic Law Download
Dec 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Finance Committee on the supplementary provision for Head 92 – Department of Justice - Archive - Subhead 243 "Hire of legal services and related professional fees" Download
Nov 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Consultation Paper on Legal Education and Training in Hong Kong: Preliminary Review" Download
Nov 2000 Administration's paper for the Finance Committee concerning the supplementary provision for Head 92 – Department of Justice - Archive - Subhead 243 "Hire of legal services and related professional fees" Download
Nov 2000 Information paper on the proposed creation of the offence of "persistent sexual abuse of a child" -
Nov 2000 Administration's paper for the Establishment Subcommittee of the Legislative Council Finance Committee on the proposed creation of two permanent posts of Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) in the Civil Division of the Department of Justice Download
13 Oct 2000 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Consultation on Section 13 of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap. 219)" (English only) Download
12 Oct 2000 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Consultation Paper on Marital Rape and Related Sexual Offences" Download
Oct 2000 Consultation Paper No. 2 on the Preliminary Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments -
Sep 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services concerning the creation of two permanent posts of Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) in the Commercial Unit of the Civil Division of the Department of Justice Download
Sep 2000 Consultation Paper on Legal Education and Training in Hong Kong -
Aug 2000 Consultation Paper on Small Claims Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 338) - Costs (English only) -
24 Jul 2000 Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation between The Hong Kong Police and The Prosecutions Division of the Department of Justice -
Jun 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Revision of Judiciary Fees and Charges under the Legal Practitioners (Fees) Rules (Cap. 159, sub. leg.)" Download
Jun 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Appointment to the post of Solicitor General, Department of Justice" Download
Jun 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "NPCSC Interpretation of the Basic Law" Download
Jun 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Regulations concerning the Admission of Notaries Public to be made under the Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Ordinance 1998" Download
Jun 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Marital Rape (section 118 of the Crimes Ordinance, Cap 200)" Download
Jun 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Section 13(1) of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance" Download
31 May 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Legal and Administrative Matters Relating to the Appointment of Judges of the Court of Final Appeal" Download
May 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Enforcement of arbitral awards between Hong Kong and Macau" Download
May 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Marital rape under section 118 of Crimes Ordinances (Cap. 200)" Download
May 2000 Administration's paper for the Establishment Subcommittee of the Legislative Council Finance Committee on proposed creation of one consultancy position at DL4 level in the Secretary for Justice's Office for a period of two years from 7 September 2000 to 6 September 2002 and redeployment of one permanent post of Principal Government Counsel (DL3) from the Secretary for Justice's Office to Legal Policy Division and revision of the responsibilities of one permanent post of Principal Government Counsel (DL3) in the Legal Policy Division to cope with the constitutional and legislative issues faced by the Department of Justice Download
Apr 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Measures to promote the rule of law and judicial independence, and to enhance confidence in Hong Kong’s legal system" Download
Apr 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Leapfrog appeals to the Court of Final Appeal" Download
Apr 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Staffing Proposal on the Creation of a Consultancy Position and Re-deployment of a Principal Government Counsel Post in the Department of Justice" Download
Apr 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Ensuring that the HKSARG abides by the law and implement laws already in force" Download
28 Mar 2000 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Proposed Amendment of Section 2GG of the Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 341)" (English only) Download
20 Mar 2000 Replies to written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2000-01 Download
Mar 2000 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Prosecutions conducted by staff of law enforcement departments" Download
24 Feb 2000 Administration's letter to the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Prosecution of Immigration Cases" (English only) Download
Jan 2000 Administration’s paper for the Legislative Council Establishment Subcommittee on the proposed creation of one permanent post of Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) in the Department of Justice with effect from 1 March 2000 to head the Basic Law Unit in the Legal Policy Division and to provide advisory service on the Basic Law and related constitutional issues Download
Jan 2000 HKSAR's Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements -