Date Subject Download
Dec 2010 Administration’s paper for the Legislative Council Establishment Subcommittee on the proposed creation of a new rank of Assistant Principal Government Counsel (DL1) and upgrading of 14 permanent posts of Senior Government Counsel (MPS 45-49) to Assistant Principal Government Counsel (DL1) in the Department of Justice and one permanent post of Senior Government Counsel (MPS 45-49) to Assistant Principal Government Counsel (DL1) in the Works Branch of Government Secretariat: Development Bureau to strengthen the staffing support at directorate level to cope with the pressing demand for legal service with effect from 1 March 2011 Download
Dec 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Enduring Powers of Attorney (Amendment) Bill 2011" Download
Nov 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Proposed creation of a new rank of Assistant Principal Government Counsel (Directorate (Legal) 1) and creation of posts in the Department of Justice" Download
Oct 2010 Administration’s paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "2010-11 Policy Initiatives of the Department of Justice" Download
14 Jul 2010 Reply by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC, in the Legislative Council to a question by Dr Hon Margaret Ng on the prosecution policy Download
Jun 2010 Administration’s paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Trial in the District Court" -
Jun 2010 Administration’s paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Law Reform Commission Report on Conditional Fees" Download
May 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Establishment Subcommittee on the proposed creation of a non-civil service position of Deputy Principal Government Counsel at the equivalent rank of DL2 in the Legal Policy Division of Department of Justice for a period of three years from August 2010 to provide the necessary support for furthering the development of mediation in Hong Kong with specific reference to the recommendations of the Secretary for Justice's Working Group on Mediation Download
May 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on the details of the Framework Agreement on Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation relating to co-operation on legal matters Download
May 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Pre-trial Interviewing of Witnesses by Prosecutors" Download
14 May 2010 Government's paper for the Legislative Council Finance Committee on "Implementation of a Verified, Authenticated and Searchable Electronic Database of Hong Kong Legislation" Download
Apr 2010 Administration’s supplementary information paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Non-Civil Service appointment of a Deputy Principal Government Counsel in the Department of Justice for furthering the development of mediation" Download
26 Apr 2010 Government's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Proposal to Implement a Verified, Authenticated and Searchable Electronic Database of Hong Kong Legislation" Download
14 Apr 2010 Replies to supplementary questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2010-11 Download
Mar 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Amendments to the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap. 192)" Download
24 Mar 2010 Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2010-11 Download
Feb 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Arbitration in Hong Kong of Mainland-Related Disputes" Download
Feb 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Non-civil service appointment of a Deputy Principal Government Counsel in the Department of Justice for promotion of mediation" Download
Feb 2010 Administration's paper for the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on "Development of mediation services" Download
27 Jan 2010 Written reply by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC, in the Legislative Council to a question by the Hon Miriam Lau Kin-yee on recovery agents Download
Jan 2010 Administration’s paper for the Legislative Council Establishment Subcommittee on the proposed creation of two permanent posts of Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) in Civil Division and Prosecutions Division of Department of Justice with effect from 1 April 2010 to cope with the pressing demand for legal service Download