Award of Consultancy Contract

  On 31 December 2020, the Working Group on Class Actions (“Working Group”), acting through its Secretariat (“Secretariat”) at the Department of Justice, announced its intention to commission a consultancy study on the (potential and likely) economic and other related impacts on Hong Kong if a class action regime, starting with a pilot scheme restricted to consumer class actions only (“Pilot Scheme”), is to be introduced (“Consultancy Study”). On the same date, the Secretariat started the process of inviting expressions of interest.

  The consultancy contract was, upon completion of the procurement process in accordance with the relevant rules, awarded to PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Limited (“Consultant”) on 26 August 2021.

  The Consultancy Study is expected to complete in 10 months. The report on it will be presented to the Working Group for its consideration.

  The Working Group was set up by the Government in 2012 to study and consider the proposals of the Law Reform Commission’s Report on Class Actions and to make its recommendations.

Secretariat of the Working Group
August 2021