Chief Secretary for Administration visits Department of Justice

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice (DoJ) at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4). Photo shows Mrs Lam (third right) meeting senior officials of the DoJ to learn more about the work of various divisions and the challenges they are facing. Attending the meeting were the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC (fourth left); the Law Officer (International Law), Ms Amelia Luk (third left); the Law Officer (Civil Law), Ms Christina Cheung (fifth left); the Law Draftsman, Ms Theresa Johnson (second left); the Solicitor General, Mr Wesley Wong, SC (sixth left); the Director of Administration and Development, Mr Alan Siu (first left); the Acting Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr William Tam, SC (seventh left); the Deputy Director (Special Duties), Mrs Apollonia Liu (second right); and the Departmental Secretary, Ms Phyllis Leung (first right).The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice (DoJ) at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4). Photo shows Mrs Lam (third right) meeting senior officials of the DoJ to learn more about the work of various divisions and the challenges they are facing. Attending the meeting were the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC (fourth left); the Law Officer (International Law), Ms Amelia Luk (third left); the Law Officer (Civil Law), Ms Christina Cheung (fifth left); the Law Draftsman, Ms Theresa Johnson (second left); the Solicitor General, Mr Wesley Wong, SC (sixth left); the Director of Administration and Development, Mr Alan Siu (first left); the Acting Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr William Tam, SC (seventh left); the Deputy Director (Special Duties), Mrs Apollonia Liu (second right); and the Departmental Secretary, Ms Phyllis Leung (first right).
The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4). Photo shows Mrs Lam (first right) visiting the International Law Division in the company of the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC (second left), and the Law Officer (International Law), Ms Amelia Luk (first left).The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4). Photo shows Mrs Lam (first right) visiting the International Law Division in the company of the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC (second left), and the Law Officer (International Law), Ms Amelia Luk (first left).
The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4). Photo shows Mrs Lam (fourth right) visiting the Law Drafting Division in the company of the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC (third right); the Law Draftsman, Ms Theresa Johnson (first right); and the Director of Administration and Development, Mr Alan Siu (second right).The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4). Photo shows Mrs Lam (fourth right) visiting the Law Drafting Division in the company of the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC (third right); the Law Draftsman, Ms Theresa Johnson (first right); and the Director of Administration and Development, Mr Alan Siu (second right).
The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4) and viewed a number of heritage items in Justice Place. Photo shows Mrs Lam viewing the commemorative plaque for the opening of the former Central Government Offices in 1957.The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the office building of the Department of Justice at Justice Place in Central this afternoon (August 4) and viewed a number of heritage items in Justice Place. Photo shows Mrs Lam viewing the commemorative plaque for the opening of the former Central Government Offices in 1957.