HKSAR Government and eBRAM sign MoU on Hong Kong Legal Cloud service provision
The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC (right), and the Chairman of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, Dr Thomas So (left), sign a memorandum of understanding to engage eBRAM as a service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services today (December 22).
The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, and the Chairman of the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, Dr Thomas So, signed a memorandum of understanding to engage eBRAM as a service provider of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services today (December 22). Photo shows (from left) the Commissioner of the Inclusive Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Office of the Department of Justice, Dr James Ding; Ms Cheng; Dr So; and the Chief Executive Officer of eBRAM, Ms Emmanuelle Ta, at the signing ceremony.
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