Secretary for Justice starts visit in Dubai (with photo)

The Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, started his visit in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), today (March 7) by visiting the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Courts.

During the visit, Mr Yuen met with the Chief Justice of the DIFC Courts, Mr Michael Hwang, SC, who gave a briefing on the structure and operation of the DIFC Courts. The DIFC is designed to be a financial free zone offering a unique, independent legal and regulatory framework with a view to creating an environment for growth, progress and economic development in the UAE and the wider region. The DIFC Courts deal exclusively with cases and claims arising out of the DIFC and its operations, and any other claims in which all parties agree in writing to use the DIFC Courts.

Mr Yuen took the opportunity to introduce Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's initiatives to enhance Hong Kong's status as a leading centre for international legal and dispute resolution services and a premier hub for intellectual property trading in the Asia-Pacific region.

In the evening, Mr Yuen attended a Chinese New Year reception and dinner organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and met local business representatives.

During the meeting, he invited the business community to choose Hong Kong as an arbitration venue for international commercial or investment disputes, including those involving Mainland parties.

Tomorrow, Mr Yuen will introduce the latest developments of the arbitration landscape of Hong Kong at a panel discussion at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators International Arbitration Conference 2017. The conference will examine the synergy and divergence between civil law and common law in international arbitration from the perspective of the Middle East and Asia.

He will return to Hong Kong in the morning on March 9.

Ends/Tuesday, Mar 07, 2017

The Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, started his visit to Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, today (March 7). Photo shows Mr Yuen (right) meeting with the Chief Justice of the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts, Mr Michael Hwang, SC (left).