Secretary for Justice on co-location arrangement at the West Kowloon Station of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link

The Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC; the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan; and the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, met the media after attending the Legislative Council (LegCo) meeting today (November 2). Following is the transcript of remarks of the media session:

Reporter: Can you promise the Government will not bypass the LegCo before you get …

Secretary for Justice: I think it’s not the most appropriate question to ask or it’s not the most appropriate way to put the question in such a manner. As I was saying in Cantonese just now, the reason why we move the Government motion is because we want to respect the Legislative Council (LegCo) members’ right to discuss matters of public interest. That is in fact an express provision in Article 73(6) of the Basic Law. But regrettably and to our great disappointment, we have seen over the past two weeks, ever since last Wednesday, that certain members of the LegCo have been using all sorts of means to delay the proper progress of this motion. And in a way, I would venture to suggest that certain gestures on their part amounted to clear abuse of the legislative procedures. And therefore I think the question, if I may suggest, should be put to those relevant members of LegCo to see whether they would agree to properly perform their duty as members of LegCo so that the business of LegCo can be properly and appropriately dealt with, and so that they can properly discharge their duty as members of LegCo. So may be the question should be put to them but not the Government.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Thursday, Nov 02, 2017