Transcript of remarks by Secretary for Justice at media session

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, at a media session at the Hong Kong International Airport today (December 3):

Reporter: How is your arm? How are you recovering so far? Maybe you have noticed there is some criticism that even the Sai Wan Ho boy who was shot has been released from the hospital, why did you stay so long in London? And my second question is what are your views on the pan-Democrats' private bill to slash the jail term for rioting charges from 10 to three years?

Secretary for Justice: I have already described my injury. My injury from the left wrist is a certain bone fracture around the wrist and with partial dislocation of the wrist. The hand is of course painful, but it is more painful at the heart to see Hong Kong is still at the state that we are in. This disorderly behavior to me is even more painful than my arm. I have done the operation in London and when the Embassy arranged my return to the country, I arrived in Beijing and went to the Beijing hospital for further check-ups and medical treatment.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Tuesday, December 3, 2019