This website provides a list of all the multilateral agreements that are in force and are applicable to the Hong Kong SAR. Most of the agreements on our list applied to Hong Kong prior to 1 July 1997 (the date of Hong Kong's return to China) and continue to apply from that date. Some of the agreements were applied to the Hong Kong SAR on or after 1 July 1997. Under Article 153, the views of the Hong Kong SAR Government have to be sought before international agreements to which China is a party (or becomes a party) are extended to Hong Kong. Our list also identifies a number of agreements that do not apply to the Mainland of China but are applicable to the Hong Kong SAR.

For ease of reference, the agreements on our list are arranged into 20 categories by subject. Where applicable, we have developed hyperlinks to external websites containing the texts of those agreements.

Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ("the Convention") is applied to the Hong Kong SAR. The Convention focuses on protecting children internationally from the harmful effects of their wrongful removal or retention and establishes civil procedures to ensure their prompt return to the places of their habitual residence. The Child Abduction and Custody Ordinance (Cap. 512) was enacted to implement the Convention in the Hong Kong SAR in 1997.

The Secretary for Justice is designated as the Central Authority of the Hong Kong SAR of the People's Republic of China to discharge the relevant functions under the Convention. The International Law Division of the Department of Justice has been authorized to act on behalf of the Secretary for Justice in providing international assistance in the return of abducted children and exercise of rights of access to children. Details regarding the Convention and the operation regime mentioned above are available from this link.

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List of multilateral agreements in Force and Applicable to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
(As at 30.9.2024)