Training for Mainland Legal Officials
- The Scheme was first implemented in 1999 to provide Mainland officials with the opportunity to study common law and to get familiarised with the legal system in Hong Kong. Participants include officials from ministries, offices and commissions of the Central Government as well as officials from the provincial or municipal governments.
- Under the Scheme, the Department of Justice (DoJ) sponsors not more than 20 Mainland officials each year to attend master’s degree in common law programmes at universities in Hong Kong.
- Since 2005, the DoJ began sponsoring Mainland officials each year to attend the Master of Common Law programme (MCL programme) at the University of Hong Kong under the Scheme.
- The Scheme was further developed in 2008 wherein the DoJ also began sponsoring Mainland officials each year to undertake the Master of Laws (LLM) in Common Law programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2018, the DoJ also arrange Mainland officials to undertake the Master of Laws (LLM) in Common Law programme at the City University of Hong Kong.
- Mainland officials attending this programme will also be placed in government organs or law firms for short term attachments after completion of the academic programme.
- The Mainland officials must meet the entry requirements of either the MCL programme or the LLM in Common Law programme set by the respective universities in order to be eligible to participate in the Scheme.
- The Scheme will be of long-term benefit to the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” and is welcomed by the Mainland organs and officials concerned.
- As at November 2024, 348 Mainland officials have participated in the Scheme.
- In July 2021, the DoJ and the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) entered into a Framework Arrangement on Legal Talent Exchanges and Training Cooperation. Under the Arrangement, the DoJ shall assist 10 officials from the judicial and administrative system, who are selected by the MoJ each year, to participate in a Master of Common Law learning programme for one academic year in Hong Kong. The programme includes attending master’s degree in common law programmes at local universities.
- The programme was launched in 2022. As at November 2024, a total of 26 officials from the judicial and administrative system participated in the programme.
- Under the Cooperation Agreements entered into by the DoJ and the relevant Mainland justice authorities, both sides agree to provide training opportunities to legal officials of the other side to encourage officials to attain a better understanding of the respective legal systems of the place of attachment.
- From 2005 onward, the DoJ regularly arranges a batch of Mainland officials (consisting of about 6 to 12) from various Justice Departments / Bureaux to come to Hong Kong for a programme of about 2 weeks. The officials will be briefed on the roles and functions of the DoJ. Visits will be paid to other government departments and public organisations such as the Legal Aid Department, Correctional Services Department, ICAC, LegCo as well as the legal professional bodies for familiarization with their work. Up to November 2024, a total of 109 Mainland officials have joined this programme.
- Reciprocal arrangements have been made for DoJ counsel to be placed on a similar short term attachment to various Justice Departments / Bureaux for greater understanding of the Mainland legal system. Up to November 2024, a total of 53 DoJ counsel have joined this programme.