HCA 1847/2020 – To restrain Doxxing against Judicial Officers and their Families

On 30 October 2020, the Court of First Instance granted an interim injunction to restrain persons from doxxing against Judicial Officers and their families.

On 13 November 2020, the Court of First Instance ordered that the interim injunction be continued until trial or further order of the Court.

The interim injunction restrains persons from unlawfully and wilfully conducting themselves in any of the following acts:-

  1. using, publishing, communicating or disclosing to any other person the personal data of and concerning any Judicial Officer(s) (as defined in section 2 of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission Ordinance (Cap. 92)), Deputy/Temporary Judge(s), District Judge(s), Magistrate(s), Presiding Officer(s), Coroner(s) and Member(s) of courts of record (collectively as “Judicial Officer(s)”) and/or their spouse and/or family members (namely parents, children or siblings), including but not limited to their name, job title, residential address, office address, email address, education, age, date of birth, telephone number, Hong Kong Identity Card number, Facebook Account ID, Instagram Account ID, car plate number and photograph (“Personal Data”), intended or likely to intimidate, molest, harass, threaten or pester any Judicial Officer(s) and/or their spouses and/or their respective family members (namely parents, children or siblings), without the consent of the person concerned;
  2. intimidating, molesting, harassing, threatening or pestering any Judicial Officer(s) and/or their spouses and/or their respective family members (namely parents, children or siblings); and
  3. assisting, causing, counselling, procuring, instigating, inciting, aiding, abetting or authorizing others to commit or participate in any of the aforesaid acts

This Order does not prohibit any lawful act(s) which are done solely for the purpose of a “news activity” as defined in section 61 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).

Any person who violates the interim injunction may be held in contempt of court, and is liable to imprisonment or a fine.

Interim Injunction Order (as continued)
Interim Injunction Order (as continued) (Chinese Translation)
Inter Partes Summons
Interim Injunction Order
Interim Injunction Order (Chinese Translation)
Writ of Summons