Ms. Teresa Cheng, BBS, SC, JP
Vice Chairperson, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, and Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration
Teresa Cheng BBS SC JP FICE, FCIArb is a Senior Counsel, Chartered Engineer, Chartered Arbitrator and Accredited Mediator. She is the ViceāPresident of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Vice Chairperson of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), and also newly elected as Vice President of the International Council of Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) in May 2010. She was Past President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), a previous member of its Board of Trustees, and a past Chairman of its East Asia Branch. She is also Council Member of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (CIETAC); and a Councillor of LCIA Asia Pacific Users’ Council of the London Court of International Arbitration.
She has been involved in arbitrations in Hong Kong, Mainland China, London, Stockholm, Singapore, Taiwan etc. under the rules of various institutions, including International Chamber of Commerce(ICC), London Court of Arbitration(LCIA), London Maritime Arbitrators Association(LMAA), Dubai International Arbitration Centre(DIAC), International Air Transport Assoication (IATA), Stockholm Chamber of Commerce(SCC), China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (CIETAC) and Singapore International Arbitration Centre(SIAC) etc. She has also provided expert reports to arbitral tribunals and foreign courts on legal issues in international arbitrations and litigation.
She was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star award by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR for her contribution and service to Hong Kong in 2006. She currently holds the Town Planning Appeal Board, Provisional Minimum Wage Commission and Transport Advisory Committee chairs.
She is also a member of the Construction Industry Council, as well as two Working Groups on Mediation in Hong Kong, one set up by the Chief Justice and the other by the Secretary for Justice.