”Mediate First” Pledge Star Logo Award Scheme

On 13 June 2017, the DoJ formally launched the "Mediate First" Pledge Star Logo Award Scheme (“Award Scheme”). The first “Mediate First” Star Logo Award Presentation Ceremony was held during the “Mediate First” Pledge Event 2019.

Award of Star Logo

Under the Award Scheme, the DoJ will award a “Mediate First” Pledge Star Logo (“Star Logo”) to Pledgees who can demonstrate that they have met one or more of the criteria listed below (“Award Criteria”). The award of the Star Logo is a recognition of a Pledgee’s achievements in promoting and adopting mediation in the Pledgee’s practice. Similar to the MFP Logo, Pledgees who are awarded the Star Logo are encouraged to display it at their shops, outlets and/or workplace. Pledgees may also adopt the Star Logo (without any modifications) for display on their letterhead and other publications.

Mediate First Star Logo

Mediate First Star Logo

Prior to the next “Mediate First” Pledge event, the DoJ will invite all Pledgees to fill in a questionnaire to indicate whether they have met any of the Award Criteria and to provide information in support. Those Pledgees who have met the Award Criteria will be awarded the Star Logo at the next Mediate First Pledge event.

Award Criteria

The Award Criteria are:

Mediate First Star Logo
  1. a Pledgee has prepared and/or distributed promotional materials on mediation to its employees, subsidiaries, business partners/counterparts, customers, family and/or friends, etc.
  2. a Pledgee has included or agreed to include a mediation clause in any contracts made by the Pledgee.
  3. a Pledgee has adopted/followed guidelines for staff to handle customer complaints/workplace disputes by using mediation skills.
  4. a Pledgee has obtained satisfactory response on the use of mediation in handling complaints or disputes as evidenced by questionnaires or other written feedbacks.
  5. a Pledgee has organised or assisted in organising training on mediation, e.g. seminar or workshop, for its staff, or has nominated its staff or has encouraged/invited others to attend mediation-related training courses or seminars.
  6. any staff of a Company and Organisation/Association Pledgee, or an Individual Pledgee has attended mediation training course (e.g. Stage 1 Training Course on Mediation).
  7. any staff of a Company and Organisation/Association Pledgee, or an Individual Pledgee is an accredited mediator.
  8. a Pledgee has attempted to resolve dispute with any person through mediation and the number of such attempts are provided.
  9. a Pledgee has otherwise taken steps to promote the use of mediation to settle disputes and is able to provide details of the steps so taken.