4/F - 5/F, East Wing, Justice Place, 18 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong
Enquiries : 3918 4099
Fax : 3918 4799
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Organisation chart of the Legal Policy Division. Solicitor General - Mr Llewellyn Mui, JP (3918 4007). Constitutional Affairs Sub-Division - Deputy Solicitor General (Constitutional Affairs) Ms Adeline Wan(3918 4080). Basic Law Unit. China Law Unit. Human Rights Unit. Constitutional Development and Elections Unit. Policy Affairs Sub-Division - Deputy Solicitor General (Policy Affairs) (Ag) - Ms Lorraine Chan (3918 4002). Policy Affairs Unit 1. Policy Affairs Unit 2. Policy Affairs Unit 3.

The Constitutional and Policy Affairs Division advises government departments and bureaux on whether proposed legislation, or a particular policy, is consistent with the Basic Law, the provisions of international human rights treaties as applied to Hong Kong, and established principles underlying the legal system. It also has a specialist unit that addresses the need for input on (and promotes understanding of) Mainland Law.