3/F - 4/F, East Wing, Justice Place, 18 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong
Enquiries : 3918 4601
Fax : 3918 4613
Print Chart

Organisation chart of the Law Drafting Division. Law Draftsman - Mr Michael Lam (3918 4647). 
			Sub-division I, Deputy Law Draftsman I - Ms Amy Chan (3918 4679). Sub-division II, Deputy Law Draftsman II - Ms Rayne Chai (3918 4681). Sub-division III, Deputy Law Draftsman III - Miss Emma Wong(3918 4682).

Legislation is a primary source of the law governing our society. The Law Drafting Division is responsible for drafting all legislation proposed by the government. It also vets all non-government Bills and all subsidiary legislation put forward by non-government entities to make sure that they comply with the general form of Hong Kong SAR legislation. The division is also responsible for ensuring that the published version of Hong Kong’s legislation on the Hong Kong e-Legislation website (HKeL) is up to date. Drafting counsel are committed to fulfilling these important roles.