SJ addresses more than 1 000 teachers on Basic Law and national security

The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, speaks at a joint school teachers' professional development day for primary schools and kindergartens in Tai Po district today (December 13) on the importance of the Constitution, the Basic Law, safeguarding national security and the improved electoral system to deepen the education sector's correct understanding on these aspects. The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, speaks at a joint school teachers' professional development day for primary schools and kindergartens in Tai Po district today (December 13) on the importance of the Constitution, the Basic Law, safeguarding national security and the improved electoral system to deepen the education sector's correct understanding on these aspects.
The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, speaks at a joint school teachers' professional development day for 33 primary schools and kindergartens in Tai Po district with more than 1 000 on-site and online participants today (December 13), highlighting the importance of the Constitution, the Basic Law, safeguarding national security and the improved electoral system. The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, speaks at a joint school teachers' professional development day for 33 primary schools and kindergartens in Tai Po district with more than 1 000 on-site and online participants today (December 13), highlighting the importance of the Constitution, the Basic Law, safeguarding national security and the improved electoral system.
The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, speaks at a joint school teachers' professional development day for 33 primary schools and kindergartens in Tai Po district with more than 1 000 on-site and online participants today (December 13), highlighting the importance of the Constitution, the Basic Law, safeguarding national security and the improved electoral system. The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, speaks at a joint school teachers' professional development day for 33 primary schools and kindergartens in Tai Po district with more than 1 000 on-site and online participants today (December 13), highlighting the importance of the Constitution, the Basic Law, safeguarding national security and the improved electoral system.

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