
Even before the return of Hong Kong to the Motherland, Hong Kong had enjoyed close social and economic ties with the Mainland.

Since 1 July 1997, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has stepped up its efforts to foster closer legal, economic and administrative cooperation with the Mainland, in order to serve the needs of the Hong Kong community. Over the years, the Government of the HKSAR has concluded arrangements with the Mainland authorities, covering a wide range of areas.

This webpage provides information on arrangements with Mainland authorities on matters relating to mutual legal assistance. Further enquiries about these arrangements may be made to the Department of Justice at

For arrangements on matters relating to other subjects such as trade and investment, taxation, environment, civil aviation, shipping, etc., enquiries may be made to the responsible Government bureaux/departments.

Department of Justice
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
People's Republic of China

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For further details on the above arrangements which concern reciprocal recognition and enforcement of civil and commercial judgments between Hong Kong and the Mainland, please see here.

The DoJ has also entered into arrangements with Mainland authorities relating to cooperation between the two places. For details please see here.